====== Atmospheric Profile Datasets and Profile Manipulation Tools ====== by [[../../../author/leannea|Leanne Avila]] — last modified Jun 03, 2015 02:48 AM ===== Atmospheric profile datasets ===== ==== Model-derived and observation-based datasets ==== |Dataset |# profiles|# levels|Pmin|variables |data source |Contact/download | |TIGR v3 |2311 |40 |? |P,T,q (O3 climatology) |radiosonde |[[http://ara.lmd.polytechnique.fr/|LMD website]] | |ECMWF 50L |13766 |50 |0.1 hPa |P,T,q (O3 climatology) |model |ECMWF | |ECMWF 60L |13495 |60 |0.1 hPa |P,T,q,O3 (+cloud/surface) |model |[[http://www.metoffice.com/research/interproj/nwpsaf/rtm|Eumetsat NWP SAF website]] | |NOAA-88/89 |~8000 |66,101 |0.005, 1 hPa |P,T,q |rocket/radiosonde|[[mailto:Chris.Barnet@noaa.gov|Chris Barnet]], NOAA | |SeeBor V4.0 |15705 |101 |0.005 hPa |P,T,q,O3 |mixed |[[http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/training_data|SeeBor website]] | |UMBC |49 |101 |0.005 hPa |P,T,q,O3,CO,CH4,N2O |radiosonde/? |Scott Hannon, UMBC [[http://asl.umbc.edu/pub/hannon/Reg_prof/pin_feb2002.tar.gz|[download dataset]]] | |Garand |42 |43 |0.1 hPa |P,T,q,O3,CO2,CO,CH4,N2O |radiosonde/SAGE |Louis Garand, MSC [[http://collaboration.cmc.ec.gc.ca/science/arma/intercomparison/42_newprofiles.txt|[download dataset]]] | |CIMSS Ozone |380 |40 |? |O3 |ozonesonde |[[mailto:halw@ssec.wisc.edu|Hal Woolf]], CIMSS | |ECMWF trace gas |43 |90 |0.005 hPa |CO2,CO,CH4,N2O |mixed |Marco Matricardi, ECMWF [[http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/itwg/groups/rtwg/trace_gases.tar.gz|[download data]]] | |MOZART trace gas |98304 |67 |0.005 hPa |O3,CO,CH4,N2O |model |[[mailto:Xu.Liu-1@nasa.gov|Xu Liu]], NASA | |COSPAR |396 |71 |2.54e-05 hPa |T,wind |mixed |[[http://badc.nerc.ac.uk/data/cira/|BADC website]] | |ECMWF aerosol and\\ trace gas concentrations|40000 |60 |0.1 hPa |P,T,q,O3,CO2,CH4\\ Aerosol mixing ratios of sulphate, organic matter,\\ black carbon, sea salt, and desert dust|model |[[http://research.metoffice.gov.uk/research/interproj/nwpsaf/rtm/profile_datasets|EUMETSAT NWP SAF website: 60L datasets from the MACC project\\ ]]| | ECMWF 91L | 25000 | 91 | 0.1 hPa | P,T,Q,O3,cloud,surface | model | [[https://nwpsaf.eu/deliverables/rtm/profile_datasets|EUMETSAT NWP SAF website]] | | ECMWF 137L | 25000 | 137 | 0.1 hPa | P,T,q,O3,cloud,surface | model | [[https://nwpsaf.eu/deliverables/rtm/profile_datasets|EUMETSAT NWP SAF website]] | ==== ==== * The DARDAR dataset of vertical profiles of visible extinction coefficient, ice water content and effective radius in ice clouds is available from the [[http://www.icare.univ-lille1.fr/drupal/projects/dardar/|ICARE web site]]. ==== ==== ==== Summary of profile subsets used to date in fast RT model development ==== |Parent dataset |# profiles|# levels |Derived models/usage |Contact/download | |TIGR v2 |43 |43,90 |RTTOV,RTIASI,RTAIRS |[[mailto:Marco.Matricardi@ecmwf.int|Marco Matricardi]], ECMWF | |ECMWF trace gas|43 |90 |RTIASI,RTAIRS |Marco Matricardi, ECMWF [[http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/itwg/groups/rtwg/trace_gases.tar.gz|[download dataset]]] | |NOAA-88 |32 |40,42,101|PFAAST, ? |[[mailto:halw@ssec.wisc.edu|Hal Woolf]], CIMSS | |UMBC |49 |101 |SARTA,AIRS-RTA,Gastropod |Scott Hannon, UMBC [[http://asl.umbc.edu/pub/hannon/Reg_prof/pin_feb2002.tar.gz|[download dataset]]] | |ECMWF 50L |117 |43 |Model validation |[[http://www.metoffice.com/research/interproj/nwpsaf/rtm|Eumetsat NWP SAF website]] | |Garand |42 |43 |[[http://collaboration.cmc.ec.gc.ca/science/arma/intercomparison/|Garand RT model intercomparison]]|Louis Garand, MSC [[http://collaboration.cmc.ec.gc.ca/science/arma/intercomparison/42_newprofiles.txt|[download dataset]]]| |ECMWF 60L |52 |101 |[[http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/itwg/groups/rtwg/rtairs|AIRS RT model intercomparison]] |[[http://www.metoffice.com/research/interproj/nwpsaf/rtm|Eumetsat NWP SAF website]] | |ECMWF 101L |83 |101 |RTTOV |[[mailto:Marco.Matricardi@ecmwf.int|Marco Matricardi]], ECMWF | ==== Observational validation datasets ==== Refer to the group's [[http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/itwg/groups/rtwg/validation|validation datasets web page]]. ===== Profile manipulation tools ===== * [[http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/itwg/groups/rtwg/interp.f90|f90 code]] to map profiles from the AIRS 101 pressure levels to arbitrary fast model pressure levels, provided by Roger Saunders for the AIRS RT model intercomparison * Documentation and code for vertical interpolation of profiles and associated Jacobians, provided\\ by Yves Rochon ([[http://exp-studies.tor.ec.gc.ca/e/paper_data/tstintavg_e|English version]], [[http://exp-studies.tor.ec.gc.ca/f/paper_data/tstintavg_f|French version]]) * [[ftp://ftp.emc.ncep.noaa.gov/jcsda/CRTM/ancillary/Profile_Utility.tar.gz|Profile utility software tarball]] containing Fortran95 code and documentation to perform units conversions and level-to-layer conversions on atmospheric quantities. The units conversion and atmospheric properties module contain the forward, as well as tangent-linear and adjoint procedures.