Table of Contents

Reference Radiative Transfer Calculations

by Leanne Avila — last modified Oct 05, 2015 05:01 AM

Spectroscopic databases

New considerations for modellers


Line-by-line radiative transfer models

Follow model-name links to access full summaries of model features and development status provided by the model developers and updated after each ITSC by the RTSP working group.

Marco Matricardi (ECMWF) has prepared a report of intercomparisons between LBL codes used in the development of fast RT models for use in NWP. See ECMWF Tech. Memo. 525, May 2007 for details.

Infrared LbL models

Model Principal developer Model website/contact
LBLRTM Tony Clough (AER) LBLRTM website
GENLN2 Dave Edwards (NCAR) email developer
RFM Anu Duhdia (Univ. Oxford) RFM website
4A Noelle Scott (LMD) ARA-4A website
kCARTASergio de Souza-Machado (UMBC) kCARTA website
sigma-IASI Guido Masiello (IMAA)
Hartcode Ferenc Miskolczi (NASA,LaRC)
FLBL Shawn Turner (MSC)
ARTS Stefan Buehler

Patrick Eriksson
ARTS website
KOPRA Michael Hoepfner (Univ. Kahlsruhe) KOPRA website
GENSPECT ? (Univ. Toronto) GENSPECT website

Microwave LbL models

Model Principal developer Model website/contact
MPM 89/92 Hans Liebe (NTIA)
MonoRTM Tony Clough (AER) MonoRTM website
Rosenkranz? ()
ATM ? ()
STRANSAC Noelle Scott (LMD)
ARTS Axel von Engeln (Univ. Bremen)ARTS website