Investigating AMV error characteristics
by Mary Forsythe — last modified Feb 08, 2012 09:58 AM
AMVs have complicated errors, which can be problematic for maximising their impact in NWP. The biennial NWP SAF AMV monitoring analysis reports provide a useful resource for listing and investigating features observed in the O-B monitoring. Further investigations are encouraged, for example by validating AMV height assignment using the A-train, model, sonde or wind profilers.
IWW / CGMS Recommendations
IWW10.13. Encourage increased efforts to validate AMV height assignment using the A-train, model, sonde, and profiler data..
Point(s) of contact
Please contact the IWWG co-chairs for further information.
Background and status
There has been ongoing work in this area for a number of years including analysis reports and investigations produced as part of the NWP SAF AMV monitoring activities and several studies elsewhere.
For further information see:
- Comparison to A-train data, Seze et al., 2008, IWW9 paper, follow link to proceedings from IWW website
- Add links to other relevant projects/studies
Relevant recent/ongoing work worldwide
A couple of recent items undertaken as part of the NWP SAF AMV work:
- 5th NWP SAF AMV monitoring analysis (will be released before IWW11)
- a new best-fit pressure investigation added in 2011 (involved comparing model best-fit pressure statistics produced by the Met Office and ECMWF).
Add links to any other ongoing projects....