Simulated imagery AMV studies
by Steve Wanzong — last modified Aug 12, 2016 09:32 AM
This technique involves generating AMVs from model-derived imagery and has the advantage of knowing truth. This is a potentially very powerful technique for investigating the AMV derivation process and how the AMVs may be best represented in NWP.
IWW / CGMS Recommendations
IWW10.3. ECMWF, EUMETSAT, CIMSS and the Met Office to discuss options for a new simulation study. A key area to address is the association of errors with cloud type and evolution (testing the passive tracer assumption), although several other items could be investigated with this technique.
Point(s) of contact
Steve Wanzong and ?
Background and status
A short NWP SAF study was undertaken in 2007-08 using a 10 km resolution run of the ECMWF global model.
von Bremen, 2008, NWPSAF-EC-VS-015
This approach has also been used to investigate development options for GOES-R e.g.
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More recently EUMETSAT-funded projects have been started at ECMWF and the University of Reading.
Relevant ongoing work worldwide
A couple of EUMETSAT-funded studies are underway:
- Provide details of ECMWF study
- Provide details of Uni of Reading study